Letting It All Go is my online platform to say and write whatever I want. What’s this site about? ME. Specifically – about my journey in learning to forgive and move on – and let it ALL go. And quite frankly, you’ll find a myriad of topics I love to write about. I’m just coming into my own so to speak… discovering that I have an urge to share and be heard. We can thank my current employer for that (whom ya’ll can meet later…)!

If you don’t like what I have to share, great! I’m fine with that. There will likely be some pretty personal stuff coming out in my writing soon. And it’s coming out all right. I’m going to be letting it ALL go. No more holding back, right? 🙂

Letting It All Go also has a somewhat double meaning… as I am on a path to saying goodbye to the fat that has attached itself to my body and has overstayed it’s visit. My real body is just dying to get out, so watch out!